“Quality Electronics Assembly Services Since 1978”
Since 1978 Walkbury Electronics has been providing world class Contract Electronics Manufacturing (CEM) solutions in the PCB sector for a diverse range of business sectors including medical, industrial process control equipment and automotive sectors.
We offer the flexibility of a total manufacturing solution for the Printed Circuit Board sector, from design and specification through to assembly and end user product delivery. We also offer custom solutions designed around our client and their specific requirements, we can even work around an existing manufacturer to compliment their existing skills and facilities.
Our clients range from single ‘entrepreneur’ start-ups to multi-national organisations. Our manufacturing portfolio is as diverse. It ranges from low cost consumer products through to highly specialized military and commercial aviation assemblies. Be it low or high quantities of assemblies, we have a proven track record of meeting our customers needs in terms of quality, flexibility, reliability and price.
We are one of the largest successful family run electronics businesses in the UK, and as a family run business it’s in our best interest to be hands on with our clients and the projects running through manufactring facility.
We take a personal interest in the quality of projects and the speed and efficiency of how they are processed from our design office right through to delivery.
We Are A Family Owned & Operated Business
So…Why Choose Walkbury?
Walkbury Electronics provide a total manufacturing solution for your electronic assembly requirements. All products are built within a total quality environment, by highly experienced personnel utilising the latest automated manufacturing equipment.
“An Open Book Policy”
We operate an open book policy, confident that the commercial model is understood; teams are free to concentrate on realising products of high integrity, manufactured efficiently and delivered on time.
Long-term customer relationships are the greatest testament to our service and Walkbury has achieved this by constantly evolving to meet customer needs and steady investment in the optimum manufacturing technology ensures we can assist our customer’s growth and continue to support them.
Hand soldering and electromechanical assembly will be handled by dedicated cells, with individuals selected according to the specific range of skills needed to assemble your product.
So no matter what your project is the team have the tools and training to meet the most challenging assembly.
“A Qualified, Experienced Team”
All of our Manufacturing team are qualified experienced people so you can be sure we know what we are talking about. The team at Walkbury all share the common goal of providing clients with a truly personal service so that you can trust our advice and commitment to securing the best possible results for your product through the manufacturing cycle.
What Do We Do?
Complete Box Build
Surface Mount Technology
Wave Solder
Skilled Hand Soldering
Conformal Coating
RoHS / Non-RoHS
Inspection Methods
DFM&T Support